Even Grandma and Grandpa came to the games on Saturday, they got restless after a while though, it is hard to sit in the sun for four hours.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The 4th of July
Well, we pretty much spent the weekend watching baseball, which is okay with me because I really enjoy it. Nic had games all week and so we watched on friday and saturday. And of the three games that we watched, they won! I decided that we must be good luck :). Nic is new on the team and a sophomore so he doesn't get to play as much but he played in the last game and scored 2 runs, and caught one out that popped up into right field, yay Nic we are so proud!
Zac and I trying to take our own picture, interesting.
Nic getting ready to bat.
Running home....score!

Even Grandma and Grandpa came to the games on Saturday, they got restless after a while though, it is hard to sit in the sun for four hours.
Zac and I played tennis for an hour with Nic and Tiff after the game and then we went back to the house and had a BBQ. Zac's Uncle Keith and Aunt Pam came up from American Falls and also brought family from Utah including Brian and Debbie, who are having a girl about two weeks after us, and Jason, Mel & Zoe also came. It was great to see them. Here is some of our great food! I got to get my food first cause I am pregnant!
This is a rendition of rainbow jello that I made with just red and blue and then cool whip on top. Very festive!
We had the radio playing too: Tiff, Grandma, Amanda and Zac were dancing. My husband thinks he is a great dancer :).
Sporting our sunburns from sitting at the game for four hours. Mine is the least but I think it hurts the worst. Later we watched the fireworks from the balcony. It was a great 4th of July and as we watched our great fireworks put on by Melaleuca, I thought about our freedom and how great I am to live in a country where I can be what I want to be and marry who I choose, I am truly grateful for all who serve our country.
Even Grandma and Grandpa came to the games on Saturday, they got restless after a while though, it is hard to sit in the sun for four hours.
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