Thursday, July 30, 2009
Crafting With Vera
So my Mom is like the queen of crafts! Seriously she is, she loves to do it. So she started this site where you can order the pieces and make your own. Or send you the stuff for a Super Saturday or Fabulous Friday for Enrichment. It's great! Go check it out at the like on my side bar or here.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I just got back from spending a week with my family! It was so great! I miss getting to see them all the time, and I was also able to go to the temple with my brother for the first time, all four of the sisters were able to be there, it was great, and I am so glad. We had a family reunion at the end of the week for my Mom's side, I will post more about that later. I just wanted to say that I am so happy to be back with my husband. I missed him so much while I was gone, and it is so great to be with someone who I know missed me so much!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Just to Share
Well, as I lay in bed the other night, unable to sleep (really who sleeps comfortably when they are pregnant?) I just let my mind wander. I was thinking about everything that has gone one in my life in the last year and a half.
A year and a half ago I was in a very different place than I am now, and I was ready to take a path that would have led to....... who knows where! I started thinking about how I got to where I am, and the main reason is because of my best friend, my Mom. So this is really just a story sharing about my Mom and what an influence and strength she is to me.
As I mentioned, last February I encountered the most difficult thing that I have dealt with in my life thus far. I was lost, hurt and confused about what this meant for me and my future. So what was the first thing that I did, I called my Mom. Of course, she didn't really give me the kind of advice that I wanted, but what I needed. Most importantly she said she loved me and that the family was praying for me.
I talked to her a lot over the next few days as I learned to cope with my situation, which coping took much longer than a few days, try a few months. Anyways, she called me after a few days and said she was coming for the weekend. I was shocked! She was really going to make the 17 hour + drive from Arizona to come and see me for two days! I felt bad that she was coming so far, but I was extremely grateful, because I really needed her.
Well she came and brought some of my favorite people in the world, my sisters and my nephews! It was the best thing in the world to be able to see my family and forget about everything for a little while. The two days passed by way too quickly, and I really wished that things would just keep going and they wouldn't have to leave. It was the weekend before Valentine's Day and so my Mom made me a Valentine care package. I don't think that I have ever cherished a Valentine so much. In it were some chocolates as well as a quote about trials. She also made me a CD of songs reminding me about my personal worth and the love that Father in Heaven has for me. As I went through this pain(for lack of a better word), I began to realize how much our family really suffers when we are hurting. I couldn't even begin to imagine how my parents ached, and even more so how Heavenly Father was aching. The pain that I suffered for about two months was relentless and I felt there was no way out. I met with my Bishop, I met with a Counselor, talked to my Mom A LOT, and prayed.
Eventually I realized how much I hated being unhappy, and that all I needed to do was decide to be happy. How simple. I wish that I could say all of my problems were solved because of that one weekend, but they weren't. What I can say is that it started me on the path of realizing that I was loved, and there was something more for me, even if I didn't know what it was yet.
It is now a year and a half later. I am married to the most wonderful man, who never forgets to say I love you, and we are getting ready to welcome our little boy into the world. Not a day goes by that I do not think what happened February 1, 2008, and how it changed my life. I can still remember the hurt, although I do not feel as much pain. But, not a day goes by that I am not GRATEFUL for how my life has turned out. I would never trade that experience or wish it on someone else. It made me who I am, I learned to realize my worth, and that my desire to be happy can change everything. I really would not have made it through that time without my Mom and I am so grateful to have a family that loves me so much. Thanks Mom!
Here is just a picture of all of us girls with my Mom.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The 4th of July
Well, we pretty much spent the weekend watching baseball, which is okay with me because I really enjoy it. Nic had games all week and so we watched on friday and saturday. And of the three games that we watched, they won! I decided that we must be good luck :). Nic is new on the team and a sophomore so he doesn't get to play as much but he played in the last game and scored 2 runs, and caught one out that popped up into right field, yay Nic we are so proud!
Zac and I trying to take our own picture, interesting.
Nic getting ready to bat.
Running home....score!

Even Grandma and Grandpa came to the games on Saturday, they got restless after a while though, it is hard to sit in the sun for four hours.
Zac and I played tennis for an hour with Nic and Tiff after the game and then we went back to the house and had a BBQ. Zac's Uncle Keith and Aunt Pam came up from American Falls and also brought family from Utah including Brian and Debbie, who are having a girl about two weeks after us, and Jason, Mel & Zoe also came. It was great to see them. Here is some of our great food! I got to get my food first cause I am pregnant!
This is a rendition of rainbow jello that I made with just red and blue and then cool whip on top. Very festive!
We had the radio playing too: Tiff, Grandma, Amanda and Zac were dancing. My husband thinks he is a great dancer :).
Sporting our sunburns from sitting at the game for four hours. Mine is the least but I think it hurts the worst. Later we watched the fireworks from the balcony. It was a great 4th of July and as we watched our great fireworks put on by Melaleuca, I thought about our freedom and how great I am to live in a country where I can be what I want to be and marry who I choose, I am truly grateful for all who serve our country.
Even Grandma and Grandpa came to the games on Saturday, they got restless after a while though, it is hard to sit in the sun for four hours.
Micheal Jackson

Well, I am writing this not because I am obsessed with Micheal Jackson, or even that I have heard all of his music. To be honest, I do not think that I have ever owned a single song that he has sung, but due to his popularity, I know many of them. And I must admit that I do love his music and his dancing, I get joy when I hear it and watch his amazing ability. Watching his memorial service his producer Gordy spoke and stated that "He was simply the greatest entertainer that ever lived." I agree that much of that is true. I remember watching the 3D 'Captain EO' at Disneyland when I was younger, and learning that so many songs I know were sung by him.
The majority of my life Micheal has a had a bad reputation and all that I heard was the 'Wacko Jacko' stuff about being a child molester, changing his appearance through surgery and wanting to be 'white'. I agree that he has done many things that I do not really approve of, and yes he was a little crazy, but considering his childhood and life, I am not surprised. He grew up in the spotlight and was abused as a child, with a history like that could you really expect him to be 'normal?' I later learned that he had vitiligo and lupus which are skin and immune system disorders which is the cause of his skin turning white. He also had many other health problems that added to his strange appearance from eating disorders and sickness (as well as two rhinoplasties and a cleft chin).
One thing I can say, is that he has changed the world of music and dance in so many ways and I believe that he has influenced the world, for good or bad. He truly seemed to love his children, and enjoyed being a father probably as much as he loved being and entertainer. It is sad that so much speculation has come about with his death, and regardless of how he died on June 25, 2009, I feel sorry for his children and his family who will go on without him. One thing is for sure, the King of Pop will never die and his story will live on forever.
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