About Me

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We met in April of 2008 at BYU-Idaho. 4 months later we were married in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on August 22, 2008. We moved to Colorado in June of 2010, bought our first house there in 2013. And now we have moved to Las Vegas, NV to start our next adventure. We have two active boys with a little girl on the way!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Have you heard of it? If you haven't, look it up! It is all the craze and surprisingly enough there are tons of classes offered in the area.
But, even better, my friend Kelsie Harris is an instructor. She is a sweet girl from my ward and I had no idea that she even did this until she called to invite me to the class. And I have to say it was AWESOME! Of course it was my first time truly exercising since Gavin was born, yeah I know, 4 1/2 months, but it has been winter so give me a break. But, I consider myself to be in fairly good shape and this really gave me a workout. And it was really fun. A great place to go with friends and get some exercise at the same time.

Kelsie's Classes are at the Middle School on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30pm-9:30pm. You can buy a punch card for $25.00. This is for 10 classes making it $2.50 a class which is a great deal. If you just drop in without a punch card it is $4.00 a class.
Zumba is latin style dancing set to music that truly makes you want to get up and dance, and even sing along. It is tons of fun and a great way to get some good exercise.
If you are interested and you have any questions let me know!


  1. Hey! I would love to go! I need to incorperate some fun into my workouts! Ive heard of it before but was kinda embarrassed to go by myself. Do you go every week? Would you mind if I joined you?

  2. I'm totally going to try to go that sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for posting this Chelsea, Madison Middle School right?

  3. Zumba is really fun!! The YMCA does Zumba classes down here. Too bad I don't have a YMCA membership, way too expensive. Definately get started exercising I waited until after I stopped breastfeeding and that was NOT a good idea since it has taken me years to even get some of the weight off.
