Ok. So I know that most people hate Valentine's Day but I LOVE it. Well, I love that it is an excuse for Zac and I to spend time together. Zac on the other hand doesn't really get Valentine's Day. He even said, you are supposed to get presents for Valentine's Day? I don't mind not giving presents, I just want to be with him. We were hoping to go to a nice dinner on Saturday and we tried to make reservations but they weren't answering the phone so we drove down to see that it was completely packed. And Zac was starving and a little ornery and Gavin was with us so we know that it can be a little difficult with him. So we resulted to Chuck a Rama. haha, not the most romantic. But there was no line to wait and we were able to start eating right away. Ultimately we left with full stomachs and we were grateful just to be together. Zac did buy me flowers, which he loves to do, and I made him heart-shaped pancakes for breakfast. They weren't perfect but I tried very hard. I was going to do a nice dinner. But we were exhausted so we had Sticky fingers again and I was going to make Creme Brulee, but we both fell asleep. It was a long day but we just thought about our love for each other and how grateful we are to be married to our best friend. It wasn't much, but it was enough to make us both happy, and that is what Valentine's Day is truly about.
You have a great way of looking at life! It sounds like you two had a great day together!