I then planned to make a cake for his office and surprise him in Monday(his actual birthday). But he changed his schedule so that wasn't really possible. So instead we took the rest of the cake from Sunday night and shared that with his office. I then went to his parents house and picked up Amanda so that we could pick up the things for dinner.
I asked many times where he wanted to go for dinner. Our new favorite place is Five Guys. GREAT burgers if you are in Idaho Falls you MUST try it. But then he chose to go there on Saturday for lunch and decided he wanted me to try and make Winger's Sticky Fingers. So that's what I did. We really like Winger's but we are often disappointed so we didn't want to go there. Well dinner was a success! I made homemade Sticky fingers and Honey BBQ fingers. With Caesar Salad and French Fries. We enjoyed it with Zac's family and even G&G Barrus came up. then we opened presents and I surprised Zac with a Reese's Ice Cream Cake from DQ. He was very happy and loved the cake. He received some great presents and I am so grateful for my wonderful husband and happy that we were able to celebrate a day about him.
Gavin didn't want to watch Daddy open presents.
Blowing out 25 candles.
After dinner we played Ticket to Ride.
And just a picture of My Boys.
Sounds like you did a lot for his birthday. Your much better then I am, normally we just go to dinner and thats it. It sounded like fun though!