I have been busy with school so I feel bad that I didn't get a post in last week. I try to think of more to post and then think that my life isn't really that exciting. But last week we had some really exciting news.
First of all Zac went with me to my OB appointment for the first time. That was an experience, to say the least. He had no idea what to do or where to sit the entire time. And then when my doctor gave me my labs and stated that I did not have syphillis, Hepatitis or HIV, Zac was very confused, and then told his family that I did not have those things and he didn't even know what they were. He feels a little left out because my doctor talks to me in medical 'lingo.' Anyways I later told him that one of them was an STD and he was kind of embarrassed that he announced it to everyone. He also proceeded to tell them that the babies heart beat sounds like an ambulance. My husband has quite the imagination, I think he gets it from his Dad. Anyways we find out in about two weeks what we are having and Zac asked how many people he could bring to the appointment with him. He also asked if he could sell tickets for people to come watch (he was kidding about that part, I hope). I told him that the room isn't that big and not everyone wants to see my bare belly that is probably less than attractive, I don't think he gets it. But I guess this means he is excited to know whether he will get a boy or not. Anyways, feel free to start making guesses of what it will be. :)
But the really exciting news is..........my younger brother got his mission call! He is the first boy in the family and th
e sibling just under me, so we are pretty close. My sister April served in Hong Kong and we were shocked with her call, but some people actually guessed where Alex is going. Elder Alexander Lee Jones will go into the MTC on August 26 to prepare for his Dallas Texas Spanish Speaking Mission! I am excited because I LOVE Texas and I think it is beautiful there. It has been long awaited for our family to experience an 'Elder' missionary in our family and we are so excited. I am excited because this means I will actually get to see him before he leaves, but I am sad because our baby will be almost two by the time he comes home.

That is about it for now, my birthday is in two days and Zac is excited that I will finally be 'legal' he has made fun of me a lot about this over the last year. Also Zac proposed on my birthday last year, he told me that he waited because he couldn't stand being engaged to a teenager so he had to wait until I was 20, so I think I will share the story of our engagement on Thursday, in memorial of one of the most memorable days of my life!
We are so excited for the two of you...getting to find out what you are having in a few weeks! It is such a fun apt. I remember the first time TJ went with me...he too was a little shocked I think! Anyways it is a fun time in your life right now! ENJOY THE JOURNEY TO MOTHERHOOD!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday! Nick was pretty excited when I turned 21 but we had already been married for 2 years so he was grateful when it finally came!I forgot to mail your present. I will mail it soon sorry its going to be late!