We had a doctors appt. the morning of the day we moved out of our apartment in rexburg, so you can see why I missed it. He was still 21 lbs. 3 oz. and hadn't really gained in the last 5 weeks or so. I credit this to the fact that he is crawling like crazy so he slimmed down A LOT! I know that probably not saying much since he is quite the chunk, but some of my family didn't even recognize him because he has changed so much. He is 29 inches long and I swear he gets taller everyday.
He has become a pro at standing up when holding on to something, no matter what it is. And I have a feeling he will be walking here very shortly. He gets more curious everyday and into more trouble, I don't think I am quite ready for him to walk. :) But, he has such personality that we crack up all the time when we watch him. I can't wait for him to start talking, I have a feeling that some very interesting words are going to come out of that mouth. He babbles all through church, and definitely does not enjoy three hours of sitting still.
He is becoming a great self-feeder with the finger foods. Not so much with the spoon. But mhe loves to eat off of the spoon and now eats about 2 jars of baby food a day and then anything that he can eat off of our plate. I think that he is learning to wave but I am not sure if he just likes to fling his arms, or he actually knows what he is doing. Also, he has started to crawl around on all fours and does it quite well, but only when he wants to.
He has started to make this smile that just makes us laugh and he does it all the time when we look at him, I am not quite sure why but it sure is funny. And if you look closely you can see his 4 teeth! Two top and two bottom.
And I have learned that my son is a true dog lover, just like his Dad. I know that it will be inevitable not to have a dog, but I said no dog until we have a house. You can have a dog where we live but it doesn't sound very appealing to me in an apartment. We went to walk around one of the many malls last saturday and it was great! Zac was surprised at how big it was, Eastern Idaho does not have the best selection of malls, and I was loving it. They also have all these plastic animals for kids to play on so Gavin had a try on a few. 
Just before we left we stopped by the pet store to look at the puppies and Gavin really enjoyed it, there was also a cage of bunnies and a guinea pig and Gavin loved peeking his head over and looking at them, he did not want to leave that store. We also bought him a front facing car seat. I know you are supposed to wait until a year, but he just fusses the whole time he is in the car now, no matter how far we travel. And he meets the height and weight and it is only like 3 months early. But, I cannot believe the difference it has made. I can now travel in the front seat next to Zac and Gavin loves to look out the window and hardly fusses at all, Yay!
I am getting ready to fly to Vegas in a week with Gavin, I am a little worried about the two hour flight with him, but we will see how it goes. My whole family is getting together for a baby blessing and to see my sister's family before they leave for China for a year. We already haven't seen them in a year because they moved to Ohio last year. I also became an Aunt to two more babies in the last month, Bryton Leroy and Everett Lionel, and I am SO excited to meet these little boys. It is going to be a fun week, I only wish Zac was able to come.