Thursday, May 28, 2009

Warm Weather!

Well I promised that I would post a pregnancy picture and I have kind of been waiting until there was actually one to take. It seems like just over the weekend I started to show so here is the little that I have. I am still at the point where no one knows unless we've told them but I am still have five more months to go. So I guess I shouldn't be in any hurry. Sorry that it's not that great, and you can only see it if I pull my clothes tight, but this is the best I can do for now.

We went to the park on tuesday because there was no school. It was so nice to sit there for a few hours and enjoy the wonderful weather that is so uncommon here. :) I love summer and the heat, Zac hates it and it is kind of a problem sometimes I don't know of any geographical location that we could live in that would make us both happy. Who knows, but today I decided that we should walk to school which was nice until we had to walk back home around 2:00 and now I have a sunburn, I guess I should have planned better, but it was great exercise.

Zac finally broke down and had me cut his hair. I hate doing it because I do not in any way feel capable. What do I know about cutting hair...NOTHING! Anyways we were both in shock at how much hair there was to cut off. It was crazy, but he looks great now.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just Stuff

Well, we haven't had too much going on. We watched the finales of a few shows last week. The Celebrity Apprentice which Zac got into this year was kind of lame, we were sad that Joan Rivers won, but really it won't have any affect on us because it doesn't matter. And then my favorite The Biggest Loser finale was AWESOME! I was so happy with those that won! Helen won the $250,000 and I was so glad because I was really irritated with Mike and Tara because they were all about the money. Zac says there was no way she could win but I had hope, YAY! And then I kept trying to think of who was going to win the at home $100,000. We had favorites from the season like Sione but figured the winner would probably be someone else. I didn't even think about Jerry, the oldest contestant ever. When he walked out at the beginning I was in shock and kept saying, "I can't believe how good he looks!" I was truly amazed! We were so excited that he won, I thought he deserved it, Zac thought maybe he had a disease or something and that's why he lost so much, but they are monitored by doctors and I don't think they would count it if that were the case. We also saw The Office finale, Pam and Jim are pregnant and we are excited to see what the new season brings!
Anyways, tonight is my last clinical for the semester, YAY! I hate working nights, and more than that, I hate nights in the ICU. It is so boring it is hard enough to stay awake through 12 hours in the middle of the night when you have nothing to do. And on top of that, this pregnancy is making me sooooooo tired. I swear if I do not sleep a minimum of 10 hours a night I physically cannot function. I don't have time to sleep 10 hours every night. Luckily Zac will let me sleep in as long as possible, but I am always tired. I kills me that we have 9:00 church because my body isn't ready to wake up yet. My theory is that my body is trying to stock up on sleep because once the baby comes it will be years before I get to sleep through the night.

I went up to sing with the choir yesterday and when I sat back down Zac told me that people will never believe that I am really pregnant because I am skinnier now than I was when we met. I am not really sure how to take that, but he says I have lost a lot of weight. So needless to say it has been almost 4 months and I am nowhere close to maternity clothes. I know I should be grateful, I am sure Zac is because I like to shop and I am waiting until I start showing to get myh maternity wardrobe :), but it just doesn't seem completely real yet. I have had an ultrasound and I have heard the heart beat but I don't know. I probably should be grateful that there are no stretch marks yet, and I am just getting to the point where I am uncomfortable most of the time and I don't sleep well. But enough of my complaining.

We are doing really well and adjusting to school, and can you believe that midterms are the end of next week. I think the semesters get shorter everytime I am in school! Zac is enjoying his new calling, and I LOVE primary, I miss Relief Society, but it is so fun to be around the little kids. And the Dancing with the Stars finale starts tonight I love it, if you haven't been watching watch tonight!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Well, here goes. Due to the pressure from my family and finding out that my husband has already been telling everyone, I figured it was finally time. So here is the news, drum roll please.....We are pregnant! (I can just hear you all cheering.) Currently I am 13 1/2 weeks, and hopefully starting to feel better. The morning sickness for the last about 9 weeks has been a little frustrating and to say the least, not at all enjoyable. I am waiting for the time to come when I am a cute pregnant lady who is enjoying her pregnancy, but right now I am not hopeful. The morning sickness has started to lessen so I am hoping, that I am on the downhill side of that part.

Zac and I are very excited, and as we talk about it, we are adjusting more to the idea of being parents. I think I am going to start calling Zac 'daddy' when it gets a little closer and see if it freaks him out, haha. Right now our due date is Nov, 9th. But I think that it is actually Nov. 1st, so I am hoping that the baby grows and catches up to my calendar. Not likely, but I can hope. We still have about 6 1/2 weeks before we find out the sex of the baby, but I think we are both just so excited that it doesn't matter what we have. We probably each have our preference for our first, but I have mixed feelings so I will be happy with whatever this baby is.

So here is the story, the last week of February I began to have impressions in my mind that I was pregnant. All I could think was, this has to be wishful thinking, why am I even thinking about being pregnant? So after playing with the idea in my head for about three days, I bought a pregnancy test, without telling Zac. It was negative so I told Zac about it, and he seemed to just push it off as if it was nothing. So another three days later I took another test because I still couldn't get the idea out of my head. Negative again. Then we went to church on Sunday and had a Joseph Smith lesson in Relief Society, it talked about when Joseph was in jail and wrote about baptisms for the dead because it was continually pressed upon his mind. In that moment it was like the Holy Ghost said, why do you keep questioning this, you know what the answer is? we have the reversed schedule so by the time we got to Sacrament, I sat down by Zac and told him that I must be pregnant. We waited another week and then went to the doctor to take a test because the at home stuff was not giving me what I wanted. Sure enough, it was positive.

I was planning on waiting a week to tell our families because we were going to Vegas to see my parents the next weekend, but my ever excited husband could not wait. We went to dinner that night and he begged me to let him tell his parents, of course I couldn't say no, so I gave in and we called our parents. Everyone seemed excited, and for us the excitement continues to build, in spite of the sickness and exhaustion.

It was certainly overwhelming in the beginning to find a doctor and get things situated, but I am now at the point where it is hard to hold in the excitement and I am ready for everyone to know. So there you go, that's the surprise, hopefully you weren't too disappointed hoping it was something better. But for us, it is the best surprise.

(I will post a picture once I start to look pregnant, but right now I am losing weight instead of gaining so it might be a couple weeks.)