Have you heard of it? If you haven't, look it up! It is all the craze and surprisingly enough there are tons of classes offered in the area.
But, even better, my friend Kelsie Harris is an instructor. She is a sweet girl from my ward and I had no idea that she even did this until she called to invite me to the class. And I have to say it was AWESOME! Of course it was my first time truly exercising since Gavin was born, yeah I know, 4 1/2 months, but it has been winter so give me a break. But, I consider myself to be in fairly good shape and this really gave me a workout. And it was really fun. A great place to go with friends and get some exercise at the same time.
Kelsie's Classes are at the Middle School on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30pm-9:30pm. You can buy a punch card for $25.00. This is for 10 classes making it $2.50 a class which is a great deal. If you just drop in without a punch card it is $4.00 a class.
Zumba is latin style dancing set to music that truly makes you want to get up and dance, and even sing along. It is tons of fun and a great way to get some good exercise.
If you are interested and you have any questions let me know!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
To Work or NOT To Work?
That certainly is the question. I have been thinking about going to work. Of course I have thought about since we first found out that Gavin was coming. I wondered when would be a good time to leave my baby and use my education. To be honest, I almost would like to work so that I can make good use o fmy wonderful 4 year college education, and because I LOVE nursing. But, deep down in my heart, I just want to be a mom. I DON'T want to leave Gavin yet. He grows so much each day and I don't want to miss the first time he crawls or walks or anything else.

Legos Wall Art: I actually don't know where Courtney found this idea
Quilted Coasters: idea found here
And the reveal, haha. This is what I did with the shelves I bought last month. Zac told me that he thought it was going to look bad with what I described but he really likes how it turned out.

This is the third one that I placed next to the couch.
BUT.... I feel like I have such a wonderful husband who gives everything to us. Somedays he is gone over 14 hours to work. And we miss him so much. And then I just go out an spend all the money he makes on groceries or other items that we need. And I feel like I never give back to him. That I just take all the time and never contribute. Even Zac has told me this is silly and that I do so much for the family. But I just don't feel that way. Is it really so much to take care of the house and of him and Gavin? I am not sure why I feel like this is not enough. Maybe because I have a great degree and I am not using it, so I feel guilty? I really wish that I knew and I wasn't having such a hard time with this. I am sure I am not the only wife/mother who has felt this way. I guess that is why so many women sell things like Scentsy or Mary Kay. It is a way to give women a sense of accomplishment and an opportunity to contribute. I am horrible at selling things though. I'm just not ambitious enough. Who knows, hopefully and can learn to feel like I am contributing more.
In the meantime hear are my recent projects.
Felt Heart: idea found here
Super easy project!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
4 Months and More
Pretty awful that I haven't posted in like two weeks or something. I feel like I have neglected my blog. And we aren't even busy. I am just playing Mom and loving it, while Gavin and I miss Zac as he gone at work. So this post will mostly consist of pictures, because lets face it, that is why anyone reads a blog anyways right?
Gavin has discovered his toes lately. He LOVES to suck on them.
Gavin and I went to Ely to see my family for a few days. Most of the time he is great in the car and is doing this within a few minutes of driving. If only he would sleep like this at home.
Our handsome boy is growing so big. Last week we weighed him while holding him on a scale and he is roughly 20lbs. My 4 month old is 20lbs and he still isn't a good sleeper. But I love him!
He is so funny and he thinks his hands are amazing.
Aunt Tiffany turned 20! We went to IHOP as the girls and Gavin and then went to the Mall for a few hours.
Aunt Tiff LOVES Gavin!
Gavin hanging out in Dillards.
Ready for Church, I know my hair looks crazy.

Gavin has discovered his toes lately. He LOVES to suck on them.

Aunt Tiff LOVES Gavin!

Ready with Dad
In the walker that Grandma and Grandpa Barrus bought for the grandkids.
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