Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Baby

Well, I guess I have waited long enough to post. Sorry that it is taking forever! I am just enjoying being a Mom and I am trying to drink in every moment. Even with the lack of sleep and frustrations of a crying baby, we LOVE Gavin so much. Even more so, I cannot believe how much my love has grown for my husband. Zac loves his baby, and is always so willing to change diapers and burp and hold him. I know that it is hard for him to get school work done because he just wants to hang out with Gavin. I was really looking forward to seeing Zac grow in his role as a Dad, and I must admit that he has truly blown me away and I am grateful for his love for our family, especially his love for me.

Well on to the birth story: I will try to leave out all the boring information. :)On Friday Nov. 6th I was having contractions pretty much all day, and they were pretty close together but they weren't really growing in intensity, so my Mom came up on Friday night thinking I would go into labor soon. No such luck. I went and got checked and still had not progressed anymore from three days earlier. I was frustrated and sad.
So Saturday my Mom and I went shopping hoping the walking would start my contractions again, but nothing! Ahh, going in to labor should be easier than this right! Yeah, yeah, yeah. We also made the cradle set for Gavin.
Monday, my mother-in-laws birthday, my due-date, NO baby.
Luckily, my doctor scheduled me for an induction on Tuesday! So we left for the hospital at 7am. They broke my water at about 8:15 and started me on pit. I started contracting right away. And the doctor said that I could have an epidural whenever I needed. I was about 2 1/2 cm and 75% when I went in. So I endured about 7 hours of contractions and couldn't do it anymore. By this time I was on about 13ml/hr of pit and I was dying. So by about 3 pm I had my epidural and it was starting to take effect. But after about a half an hour my body started to transition and it was making me pretty sick. The nurse kept thinking it was because of the epidural but my blood pressure was fine and I knew that wasn't the problem. I got the nurse to check me again around 4 but I was still at 5cm. They put me on oxygen to help with my nausea which helped a little. I didn't get checked again until about 6pm and by then I was complete. And the doctor said that I could start pushing. But, my nurse I had to help deliver another baby so I had to wait about an hour before I could start. I pushed for about two hours and he wasn't going anywhere. I had gotten him down to my pubic bone and he got stuck because his head was too big. So everytime I pushed it just elongated his head without pushing him down. So finally the doctor came in and they tried to tell if he was anterior or posterior, but couldn't. Finally the doctor asked if he should try forceps. I knew that he wasn't going anywhere without some help so I agreed. A few pushes later he was out and a BIG baby(see size in the post below). But he is beautiful! Sadly I had an episiotomy and I tore with almost a fourth degree. My mom said when the forceps were pulled out they were covered in my skin, fun huh? So I was in a lot of pain and it still hasn't gone away. But I LOVE being a mommy and I must say that it will be a little while before we have another baby, but we are so grateful for the opportunity to grow our family.
Here are some pictures:
Daddy loves his Gavin.
Jayden holding his newest cousin.


  1. Gavin if very handsome. We are anxious to meet him!!! Hope all is well with your cute family.

  2. Gavin is so cute! You and Zac will be great parents. I love you guys!

  3. Our labors were so similar! I started at 8:15, and I didn't get to start pushing until 5. Then, I had to push for two hours, and Brooklyn was stuck too! hahaha! (My doctor opted the vacuum though). I'm sorry that you are so sore! Good luck!!!

  4. We loved seeing you at Thanksgiving and getting to hold Gavin. Yeah, tearing that bad doesn't make you too excited to go through the process again. I was lucky I don't think I tore past what was cut.

  5. Chelsey! I was excited to find your blog! THen I was even more excited to see you guys have a HANDSOME baby boy! That is sooo neat! Congrats! It sounds like you went through a lot to have him! Good job! Where are you guys at know?

  6. Congrats, you two! You will make great parents! I know how Zac feels I would much rather play with my boys than do homework.
