Wow, I can't believe how much has happened since my last post, there have been SO many things that I had planned to post on and I just haven't had the time. We were really trying to enjoy the last of summer and get out and do things as much as possible, but it just feels like we've been busy. So here is an update of the last two months!
The month began with my Zumba certification class. It was from 9am to 5pm and lets just say that I was more than exhausted when I got home. My muscles hurt for days afterwards but it was so much fun and felt great to work that hard.
On the 17th we made our trip over to Ely for Alex's homecoming, and I was so excited to see him and all of my family. I think that last time we were all together with everyone was Christmas 2008, so it was great. I had taken the car in to get serviced the day before we left, and the guy made a comment that if my car starts having trouble starting that we need a new battery, I didn't really think too much of it, and I forgot to tell Zac. So of course, we stop for lunch and when we get back in the car to leave, it won't start. Ooops! So I told Zac we needed a new battery, luckily we were just across the parking lot from an auto parts store. But it was like 95 degrees outside and it took a while for Zac to get the battery out and changed, but that was our only problem of the trip, we just lost an hour of time. I taught my first Zumba class for a few people while we were in Ely, and it was a lot of fun, not perfect but I hope everyone enjoyed it. We also had a picnic and took the kids to McGill Pool one day. And then Saturday everyone was finally there including grandparents. We were able to take some family pictures down at the train station and I think the boys enjoyed seeing the trains. Alex gave a great talk on Sunday and I am so proud of him. He served a great mission, and I can tell that he had grown up so much. It sounds like he is adjusting to real life now that he is back at BYU and engaged to his girlfriend that waited the 2 years.

After we made it home, Zac and I celebrated our 3rd Anniversary and went out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. It was Zac's first time but I think he really enjoyed the experience and great food.
In September we were able to go to our Stake Fair and enjoy lots of food and games. It is always so fun to go and I love that our stake puts it on each year. Gavin's favorite part was definitely the watermelon.
The next weekend I helped out with a Baby Shower for a friend. I think that it turned out great, but there was definitely a lot of hardwork that went in to it. But Mary Lynn and Dane truly deserve it.

Then we left for our cruise to Catalina Island and Ensenada, Mexico. We took a Carnival with my sister Melanie and her husband, and we even brought the kids. So we had 4 adults and 4 kids, but we had a lot fun, and Gavin really enjoyed the time with his cousins. He remembers their names and loves to say who they are each time he sees their picture.
On Catalina Island we spent some time on the beach playing in the sand and the cold water. Then we took a glass bottom boat and saw some different fish and a lot of kelp forest, but it was really fun.
Waiting to get tickets for the glass bottom boat on the Island.
Nick and Bryton with Aaryn in the back.
Figuring out the beach.
Melanie and Jayden at the formal dinner.
Gavin is learning to actually smile for the camera!
Our family.
Totally Zac.
The elephant. :)
The next day we went over to Ensenada to spend the day. We went out in the morning and found a shuttle to take us over to La Bufadora (the Blow Hole). There are a ton of vendors trying to sell things to you as you walk down to the blow hole, and after a while I just tried to avoid them, but they get you from both sides. I kind of hated it and we didn't even buy anything but vanilla to bring home. I just never know what to get that I would actually want to display or use but it was fun. The tide wasn't very high so the water didn't spray up too much, but the kids loved it and Jayden loved how it made a rainbow each time.
He hates strollers but for some reason he loved this one and wanted to sit in it all the time.
The view at the Blow Hole.
This one is a monkey they hang from the TV.
The last one was a frog, it is harder to tell, but Zac kept trying to get Gavin to hug it.
Our last day was at sea and it was nice to just relax and enjoy our time on the boat. We had lots of food, and loved just being on vacation. We saw a few shows, and Zac and I even participated in Family Feud, which our team won. It was so nice to be able to enjoy it with some family. Thank You Pay Family for making the trip with us, it was great!
Gavin making his build-a-bear on the boat.
Waiting to debark, we didn't plau anything, the kids just seemed happy to pretend. :)
Getting off the boat waiting to go through customs.
Gavin loves his doggie that he made.
I am definitely ready for fall here in Denver, but the weather isn't quite there yet. I can't believe it is already Conference time. I am excited for a weekend at home, and for all of the upcoming holidays. It is sure to be a busy next few months, but we hope to make the best of it!