Well, we made it to see the movie the Saturday after it came out. We left Gavin with a babysitter, for only the 2nd time. (well, family has watched him a few times but that's it.) And at first Zac said he was going to stay home and watch Gavin and I could go with our friends. He really doesn't like the idea of the added cost to date nights when you add a sitter. Which is the reason why we NEVER go on dates. Anyway, I got him to come and it was SO fun! I made simple ties for everyone that were yellow and red for Gryffindor colors. And then we played trivia while we waited for the movie and then enjoyed the last of the Harry Potter series. I finished the book a few days before and it probably wasn't a great idea, because I was a little frustrated everytime they changed something. But I really was very happy with movie, and happy that I was able to enjoy it with Zac. It ended up being a busy day so by the time we got home at 10pm we were definitely exhausted. I am grateful to our friends who made it possible for us all to see the movie together. There were 8 of us altogether and we wished Alana could have been there, but movies with friends are great!

Here we are waiting to go in the theater. Alexandria went really early to make sure we were able to get seats together. We were one of the first inside the theater so we were dead center it was GREAT!
Zac and I waiting for the movie. The seats were nice, but definitely not for short people. If I was any shorter I wouldn't have been able to see over the seat in front of me.
For a quick update on Gavin. He is really enjoying the summer, mostly because of swimming. We recently bought him a life jacket so that he could be a little more independent in the pool. The first time he hated it, and now he LOVES it. He swims/bobs all over the pool and loves the freedom. He does go face down everyone once in a while but overall he's happy. I have been giving him a little more freedom to see what he can do, but I am never more than 10 feet away. He is also saying so many words and a few phrases now which is really fun. He loves to say Awesome!, Oh No!, Uh-Oh, Grandma, a mess, and a lot of others. He also tells us most of the time when he needs a diaper change now. Hopefully that means that potty-training isn't too far off, although I am dreading it.
AND, my brother comes home from his mission on August 17th and I can't wait to see him!