I will try to just post mostly with pictures.
Gavin seems to get bigger and smarter each day.
Stats at his 18month appt:
26.8 lbs (50th percentile)
35inches tall (over the 100th percentile).
So he is really tall, and thinning out a LOT. I feel like he is so skinny now, but he still has some chubbiness which I love. :)
He also says new words each day. His new favorite is Uh-Oh. He says basically whenever anything happens. It is funny, but I wish he would learn what it really means.
The first day of nursery was interesting. We basically have to leave him crying and screaming for us, and then he plays and is fine until we pick him up at the end and he cries again realizing that we just left him for 2 hours. Hopefully he will adjust soon.
I was not happy when I woke up to this one sunday morning. He had gone to bed with a marker in his hand. And learned how to open it when he woke up in the morning and proceeded to draw all over himself. Zac didn't even notice when he got Gavin out of bed. Gavin ran up to me with the open marker still in hand. Luckily it was Crayola and came off easily and that he only drew on himself.
He seems rather proud of what he accomplished.
This is a frequent site of our kitchen. Gavin did this in the five minutes it took me to get the chicken ready for dinner, it is so frustrating to feel like a tornado goes through our house multiple times a day.

I went to see Seussical in Ely with my Mom and Trevor. And then Selina came up the next day with Kamry and Richie. I think Gavin enjoyed his cousins and we introduced them to Yo Gabba Gabba. :)
We took a trip to the duck pond with Grandma and Richie, on the one day that it didn't snow while we were in Ely.

A bath with cousin Kamry. Gavin called her 'baby' the entire time, even though she is only three months younger than him.

We went to a park in Vegas for a little while and they had a play area where water shoots from the ground. Jayden and Richie really enjoyed running through with Uncle Trevor.
Gavin didn't care as much.
I have to add that Trevor took 1st place in state for the 300 hurdles last week. GO Trevor!

I was able to meet one of the authors of Our Best Bites cookbooks. Sara Wells, she is the sister-in-law of one of the women I visit teach. She was just in town for the day, but I was able to visit with her for a half hour and she signed my cookbook. It was great to meet her in person.

We are leaving on Friday night for Salt Lake and will be back on Monday with our next travel plans in August when Alex comes home from his mission. I feel like this summer is going to pass by really quickly. Hopefully our days will be full of swimming, Zoo visits, and other parties throughout the next two months. Not including my birthday in three weeks, and I am also looking into certifying to become a Zumba instructor this summer. Life just never seems to slow down. :)