Saturday, November 13, 2010
Lindsey Ann Photography
I know this is last minute. But for those of you in Denver, hurry on over to Oopsey Daisy and enter this giveaway. A free photoshoot with L. Ann Photography. I would LOVE so badly to win, but hey, that would be great if one of you won too!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Our BIG 1 Year Old!
I LOVE birthdays! I love that I get to spend one whole day showing a person how much I love them. If I could, I would turn it into a birthday week so that I could celebrate longer, but I don't think that Zac would go for that. Who knows, maybe over the years I can convince him . :) Part of me has really been looking forward to Gavin's birthday, but the other part of me is very sad that he is growing up. But, I must say that I am so proud of the little boy that he is becoming. He is such a loving and happy baby and he brings so much joy into our home. I truly cannot imagine our lives without him.

Gavin is 32 inches tall and weighs 23lbs 10oz. Yeah that is big, but he is actually declining on his growth curve because he doesn't get enough calories. For the first time I have been told that I need to feed him more. Of course I know this, I can see how skinny he is getting, and try so hard to feed him, but this boy just wants to breastfeed all day long. I am pretty sure that my milk is losing its nutritional value which is why he isn't getting enough calories. (sorry, TMI). We have tried 1% milk a few times and he does not like it. We tried whole milk tonight and he did okay so hopefully we can start fattening him up again. :)
He loves to scream and talk all day long, not real words but, he is getting better at mimicking the words we say. He does not sit still through church and Zac only makes it to about 5 minutes of Elder's Quorum each week. He is doing great in the car though. We give him his book and he just sits there staring at the pages while we drive. It really is the cutest thing. He likes to point at everything, especially when he wants to go somewhere. He also likes to bring us things that he wants, like if he wants to watch a certain movie he will bring us the DVD case which means we should turn it on.
Gavin has been walking for almost two weeks now and gets better at it everyday! He is going everywhere and it is so fun, and he is so proud of himself too. He still has just seven teeth, but he always seems like he is teething so who knows. He does take medicine very well now instead of fighting us the whole time, which helps with the teething. He is getting much better at helping when we get him dressed each day and he loves bath time and getting ready for bed. I definitely think that the favorite part of his day is when daddy comes home. These two love to play together and I truly admire what a great dad Zac is, I feel so blessed that I will get to watch him as we raise our children together.
For Gavin's birthday we let him open one of his presents in the morning, well actually Zac opened it, but Gavin enjoyed it once it was open. I also made him a birthday shirt that he LOVES! It has doggies on it and he grabs the shirt whenever he sees it. Then we went to Wendy's for lunch because he loves chicken nuggets and then went to play group where I brought cookies for his birthday. Zac brought home Little Caesars for dinner because Gavin also loves pizza and then we skyped Zac's parents while Gavin opened his presents. I don't think that he understood what was going on, but he definitely enjoyed having so many toys to play with. I think that his birthday turned out great. I really wanted to do a birthday party for him, but I felt like no one would come on Wednesday night and decided that it wasn't worth the stress. The only presents he didn't get are some quiet books that I am working on and hoping to finish before our 10 hour car ride to Idaho in two weeks.
All of his presents before opening them. You can see the shirt that I made in the left corner. I found a fabric at Joann's and then cut out a 1 and then five of the dogs on the fabric and lined them up along the bottom and he loved it!
Daddy helped open his presents this one is from Grandma and Grandpa Barrus. Two great bedtime books. He LOVES them and we read them each night. Thank You!
We also gave him a whole bunch of clothes, more out of need than as gifts, but we picked out this church suit as his gift from Great Grandma and Grandpa Barrus. Thank you!
Grandma and Grandpa Jones gave him this ride-on. He doesn't ride it yet but he is loving pushing it all around the house. He just needs to figure out how to go in reverse when he runs into the wall or corners. Thank You!
Bags with tissue paper seem to work a little better for him to open by himself. This is a play set of kitchen items.
And because he has been in to Elmo so much lately we found a stuffed Elmo. We didn't want to get a Tickle Me Elmo because we wanted him to take it to bed with him. He actually found Elmo on Tuesday morning before we wrapped it and yelled at me when I tried to take it away from him. He finally gave it over to Zac and we had to hide it the rest of the day because he would go into our room to try and find it. He sure loves Elmo, and I am okay with that.
We also gave him a 'learning cube' thing that has a bead toy on top and then activities on each side of the base as well as a shape cube.
Like most kids he did not care for his cake. I actually crumbled it thinking if it was in pieces he might try to pick some of it up. But he touched the frosting and could have cared less about it. So after few minutes we just put him the tub.
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