Thursday, January 5, 2012


I promise to get a Christmas post up soon. I just don't have tons of free time lately. Well, mostly I need to clean and such and Gavin and I both had colds all through the holidays which we are still dealing with. So for now, here are the wonderful pictures Amanda took while we were in Idaho. It is so great to have her, and we appreciate the time she takes to do our pictures. Especially when I have a husband who HATES taking pictures, and does not see there purpose. Amanda....what would I do without you!
What a cute kid we have. (Yeah, we may be biased.)

He has such personality.

Can you say GQ?

Zac really hates this picture, he thinks it's stupid. Oh well, I like it!


  1. CHELS!! You guys are so fun to photograph! Zac just needs to learn to like it because it is a yearly thing!! Also if you need any edited or anything let me know!! Love you!!!

  2. such a cute family! Glad you guys are doing well!

  3. Wow! He looks so grown up!! Great pictures!
