About Me

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We met in April of 2008 at BYU-Idaho. 4 months later we were married in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on August 22, 2008. We moved to Colorado in June of 2010, bought our first house there in 2013. And now we have moved to Las Vegas, NV to start our next adventure. We have two active boys with a little girl on the way!

Friday, April 24, 2009

School, School and more School

Well, when I graduated in December I was so excited not to go back. Then I woke up on Monday morning and thought "I must be crazy! What am I thinking going back to school!" Well, I am taking 18 credits this semester and 15 next, but the reality is that I will have by BSN by 21! Which I was discussing with Zac, and he thought that it would be great if I got my Masters by the time I am 23. I think that he is crazy however and I don't think that I have any interest in writing a bunch of research papers to get my degree! I hate writing, and more than that I HATE APA format! This is for Health Science only so if you don't know what it is don't worry, it is like MLA, but way different! But he seems to be fine with the fact that he is back in school. I have a hard time adjusting because I was quite happy with just being at home most of the time. But we look forward to this December!
I got a fun new present, because I have a wonderful husband! In January after we got back from Christmas in Arizona my laptop just stopped working. It wouldn't turn on and it was just a few months past the one year warranty. We tried to figure our the problem and discovered that most likely the motherboard was ruined. Which is like $500 to replace. I figured we might as well just get another computer once I got a job. But alas, I didn't get hired so I figured we would just survive the last two semesters on one computer. As I began to look at my assignments, 18 credits online, I realized that there was no way we could do all our homework on one computer, and still keep our sanity. So I talked it over with Zac and he was more than willing if we could find a good deal. Well HP is doing an automatic $200 rebate off all their computers plus tons of free upgrades. We ended up getting a brand new HP for just over $700, which it was originally over $1100. It wasn't even supposed to be done until the 27th, and then shipped, but it came today and I am way excited! It is so pretty and I am really enjoying using it. I think that Zac is a little jealous though so we will have to let him use it every once in a while. But I just had to let you know how wonderful my husband is!

So we have had tons of birthdays lately. Melanie's was the 14th, April's on the 19th, my Dad's on the 22nd, and Nick's is coming up and Amanda's all in the month of April. We are thinking of you all, and hope that your birthdays are special, we love you!
Here are some pictures from the concert. We are waiting in line outside the Civic Auditorium.

This was either before the concert or between bands. We were just enjoying our time together :)

This is Jack's Mannequin once they finally came on stage 2 hours later!


  1. Congrats on the new computer. Try not to stay too busy while in school, I'll miss calling you in the middle of the day. Oh, well I'll just have to find some other unfortunate soul to call. lol! We love you!!!!

  2. you are such a hard worker! Good luck with school!!!

  3. Yeah, New Computer!!! How fun, I am buying Alex's computer from Mom for school. Good luck this semester and hope your pregnancy is easy so you can do the work needed for school. We love you!
