About Me

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We met in April of 2008 at BYU-Idaho. 4 months later we were married in the Salt Lake LDS Temple on August 22, 2008. We moved to Colorado in June of 2010, bought our first house there in 2013. And now we have moved to Las Vegas, NV to start our next adventure. We have two active boys with a little girl on the way!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's A.............

Well, yesterday we went to the ultrasound. I felt bad because I convinced Zac to miss his class so that he could come because the only time that they could fit me in was during his class time. SO he missed his class, and the office was so backed up with only one doctor that we waited for and hour and 20 minutes. So Zac could have gone to his whole class and still made it before I went into the office. Oh well, it is not really something that you can predict. I think I was kind of nervous for the appointment, not that I really knew why. Maybe I was worried that the baby would cover up and we wouldn't be able to find out, or we would find an abnormality and then have to adjust to the fact that maybe we wouldn't have that 'perfect' baby, who knows, but the waiting didn't help much. Anyways, they finally called us back in and about 15 minutes later we started the ultrasound. Here are some pictures, I know that ultrasounds can be hard to see understand so I will try to explain a little.

This was the first picture that we saw, as you can see it is the baby's head. I actually thought this was really cool because you can see the ventricles of fluid in the brain that cross right where the arrows do in the center. It is the lighter area.
This one is the body, showing the intestines.

The long white part in the center is the baby's femur.

Here is our 'alien' baby, because that is really what they look like at this point. The head is on the right, you can see the bone structure of the face, right next to that is the stomach and below the stomach you can see the spine.
And here you go, as you can see it's a BOY!
And here is a 4D picture. His arm stretched from the right side across over his eyes. But below the arm you can see his little nose and mouth. At first I thought these pictures were weird, but I think it is cute to see his features.
We are both very excited to have a baby boy in our family. Zac asked the tech if she was really sure that it was a boy, I thought that was funny. But he is a proud Dad and happy to know that he will have a son to play with in a few years.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Boy or Girl?

Well, after a lot of hassel our appoinment is finally made. We find out on Monday if we are having a boy or girl! I can't believe that it is only a few days away! Any guesses?

Monday, June 15, 2009


The baby kicked for the first time while we were playing the Wii at Zac's parents house on Saturday. I was so surprised, but the baby didn't kick again so Zac couldn't feel it. I told him that he should be excited, but he didn't care. Maybe he will once he feels it. Just this morning the baby kicked like six times in a row. And I wondered if you could actually feel it from the outside, and I could, so I am hoping the baby kicks more when Zac is around so maybe he will think that there is actually a baby in there! Just wanted to let you know! :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Well, as you know, my birthday was on Thursday. It started off a little bad but it got better. I haven't thrown up in like a month and of course I did on my birthday and then I was running late for class and we were supposed to make treats. So I was trying to make rice krispie treats while I got ready and the marshmellows exploded over the entire microwave. I am not exaggerating either, there wasn't a single marshmellow left in the bowl. So I just grabbed a bag of chips.
But the day got better later. I got my haircut on Wednesday after 7 months and it needed it sooooo bad. And I realized that my straightener and curling iron were both like six years old and not working that well. So Zac went to Sally's Beauty Supply and bought a new straightener and curling iron for my birthday. Yay! They are so nice.
Zac's family came up and we went to Big Jud's for dinner because his family had never been there. Everyone enjoyed the burgers, fries, onion rings and even milkshakes. Then we came back home and my sister April offered to make my birthday cake, and I was shocked when she brought it. It was gorgeous! She did red velvet because it is one of my favorites and it was three layers with yellow frosting and handmade chocolate butterflies! Amazing!

Then I opened presents! My mom sent me some maternity clothes and she had April pick up a few mixes from her work. I got a cinnamon bun mix and a chocolate molten lava cake mix with a cute yellow mixing bowl. April also gave me a cookie scoop. Melanie bought me a cute watch and Zac's sisters got me a Coldstone gift card which I LOVE! Zac's parents gave me a gift card to Motherhood Maternity and a bag of candy! And I got a gift card to Applebee's from Jared and Charly. It was a great birthday and I am glad that I got to celebrate it with some family. I love you all and I am grateful that you thought of me on my Birthday!

My new hair cut! It looked better the next day with my new straightener and this is one of the shirts from my Mom.

Zac gave me birthday hugs!Mixes!


Friday, June 12, 2009

One Year Ago.....

Yesterday was my Birthday and it was so fun! Yay for me! But I mentioned that I would write about what happened one year ago on my birthday. This is the day that essentially my life changed FOREVER! So here it is, June 11, 2008........

Well Zac and I had been dating for about 6 weeks by this point. We had gone ring 'shopping' at 2 weeks of dating so I was getting very anxious. Plus he had already called and talked to my Dad AND my family came up to Utah the weekend before and we went down so that he could meet some of them. I hadn't planned anything for my birthday but luckily I had Veralyn, an awesome roommate, and a wonderful boyfriend. I had been telling everyone that I was hoping Zac would propose on my birthday because it is a special date and something to celebrate. But, of course it is a special day so I couldn't get too suspicious right away. Well I went to class at 7:45 that morning and I believe that I was in class or taking tests until 6 that night so I was disappointed that Zac and I wouldn't see each other too much. So I convinced him to come to my Psychology class with me so that I could see him during the day. As I was waiting for him I was very impatient because I hate to be late and class started in three minutes and he still wasn't there. I called him, a little frustrated, and asked if he was coming, and he said he was riding his bike on his way. He made just before class started, and I was a little annoyed, but happy to see him. After class he left and I continued on with classes and then to take a test that night. I remember not doing too well on my test so that when Zac picked me up afterwards I wasn't in a very good mood. Actually I was upset and overwhelmed (Nursing school can do that to you).

We got out of the car at my apartmment and Zac could see I was upset. He turned and said that everything was fine and that I shouldn't be so worried about everything. Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed with school. So I cried a little and then pulled myself together and we went inside. I walked in to find the living room full of pink balloons leading back to my bedroom that was full of balloons as well. Also in my room was a set of ballons that my Mom sent and Lilies and Roses in a vase with a pillow that had a note and a small glass slipper on it. The note was from Zac asking me to accompany him to dinner. It was so sweet! And after the day I had, of course I cried again. I came back out and Zac told me that I could get ready for dinner, and we would go whenever I was ready. So I changed my clothes, fixed my hair and makeup and about 30 minutes later we left.

We headed towards that school which was weird, and went to the Benson where Zac told me he had to turn in a paper before we went to dinner. Of course I knew that he didn't have a class in the Benson and also he didn't have a paper in his hand when we got out of the car. We walked around a corner and there was a table set up with rose petals and music playing and our dinner. It was so cute, of course I cried again. We had asian salad from Applebee's with sparkling cider and chocolate covered strawberries. As we ate and talked people would walk by and see us and just kind of smile.

Then.......I heard this beeping noise, I looked around to see what it was and saw a camera in the plants across from us, at that moment I knew! (I told zac that I always wanted to record my engagement.) He asked me if I wanted more to drink and instead of grabbing that cider, he grabbed a ring box from under a plant and got down on one knee. I started to cry and he told me he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of eternity together! I was so happy, of course I said yes! He then got up and walked around the corner and there on the ground were Amanda and Tiffany(Zac's sisters)! They had cameras and were trying to take pictures to help record. They were also the one's that set up the dinner for us which was AWESOME! Sadly the beeping noise on the camera was because it had died so it missed the actual proposal.

Anyways we went back to my apartment and called my family and then Zac and Veralyn planned a party with food and an awesome cake made by Veralyn so that I could show off my ring to everyone and tell them about our engagement.

I am sure that this was the best birthday I will ever have, and that is completely fine with me. I am grateful to have a husband who cares so much about making me happy, he is wonderful and not a day goes by that I forget it! I love you Zac! (Oh, and when he was almost late to my class it was because he was at my apartment blowing up balloons. I felt bad after he told me).

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Some News

I have been busy with school so I feel bad that I didn't get a post in last week. I try to think of more to post and then think that my life isn't really that exciting. But last week we had some really exciting news.

First of all Zac went with me to my OB appointment for the first time. That was an experience, to say the least. He had no idea what to do or where to sit the entire time. And then when my doctor gave me my labs and stated that I did not have syphillis, Hepatitis or HIV, Zac was very confused, and then told his family that I did not have those things and he didn't even know what they were. He feels a little left out because my doctor talks to me in medical 'lingo.' Anyways I later told him that one of them was an STD and he was kind of embarrassed that he announced it to everyone. He also proceeded to tell them that the babies heart beat sounds like an ambulance. My husband has quite the imagination, I think he gets it from his Dad. Anyways we find out in about two weeks what we are having and Zac asked how many people he could bring to the appointment with him. He also asked if he could sell tickets for people to come watch (he was kidding about that part, I hope). I told him that the room isn't that big and not everyone wants to see my bare belly that is probably less than attractive, I don't think he gets it. But I guess this means he is excited to know whether he will get a boy or not. Anyways, feel free to start making guesses of what it will be. :)

But the really exciting news is..........my younger brother got his mission call! He is the first boy in the family and the sibling just under me, so we are pretty close. My sister April served in Hong Kong and we were shocked with her call, but some people actually guessed where Alex is going. Elder Alexander Lee Jones will go into the MTC on August 26 to prepare for his Dallas Texas Spanish Speaking Mission! I am excited because I LOVE Texas and I think it is beautiful there. It has been long awaited for our family to experience an 'Elder' missionary in our family and we are so excited. I am excited because this means I will actually get to see him before he leaves, but I am sad because our baby will be almost two by the time he comes home.

That is about it for now, my birthday is in two days and Zac is excited that I will finally be 'legal' he has made fun of me a lot about this over the last year. Also Zac proposed on my birthday last year, he told me that he waited because he couldn't stand being engaged to a teenager so he had to wait until I was 20, so I think I will share the story of our engagement on Thursday, in memorial of one of the most memorable days of my life!